TMT 2024 – Day 9 – 7/13/2024

親愛的TMT2024代禱勇士:謝謝你們一直的關注。今天周六早上大家集合晨更時,非常的準時, Aaron和大家分享哥林多前書第15章56-58節提醒大家務要堅固,不可動搖,時時要做主工。送早餐時,吳校長第一次攜夫人來和我們會面,親睹我們在安靜讀經禱告,但願福音種子播下。會後曉如一家和大家惜別,去參加家族婚宴。我們今天的日月潭之行如圖,大家自費組團。8:00am大家出發,...

LYF News – July 12, 2024

LYF NEWS Highlight: Root Cellar STM send-off this Sunday!   We are sending 20 youth and 4 counselors along with many donations to help and serve the needs of the refugee community in partnership with the Root Cellar ministry in Lewister, Maine. Please come...

LYF News – July 12, 2024

LYF NEWS Highlight: Root Cellar STM send-off this Sunday!   We are sending 20 youth and 4 counselors along with many donations to help and serve the needs of the refugee community in partnership with the Root Cellar ministry in Lewister, Maine. Please come...