CBCGL Ladies Fellowship –  “Grace Upon Grace – A Most Rewarding Experience” (COCM mission)

CBCGL Ladies Fellowship Monthly meeting: April 18, 2021 @ 2pm-  "Grace Upon Grace - A Most Rewarding Experience" (COCM mission) by UK Missionary  Connie Yu & COCM USA member Alsa Shih 分享題目:恩上加恩 - 最有意義的经历 分享講員:于小玉牧師/宣教士  &  譚鈡斯姊妹 - COCM 美国董事会義工 Sharing will be in English Connie Yu went to Redcliffe College to be trained in God's words. It's from there she […]


“Pray through Psalm” by Hsaiofang MacDonald

"Pray through Psalm" by Hsaiofang MacDonald (Part II of "The Driving Force for Fervent Prayers") Zoom link to the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83856898599?pwd=cmdIWlU2aWY3RzRMaU5lSVlLUThVZz09 Meeting ID: 838 5689 8599 Passcode: 955384

Ladies Fellowship – Panel Discussions on Careers

CBCGL 197 Littleton Road, Chelmsford, MA, United States

The CBCGL Ladies Fellowship is delighted to have a few very talented young women from our congregations who will come to share with us about their career in Sept, Oct & Nov. As our high schoolers are searching what they might do in the future, those heading out to college in the Fall might have […]

Ladies Fellowship – Panel Discussions on Careers

CBCGL 197 Littleton Road, Chelmsford, MA, United States

The CBCGL Ladies Fellowship is delighted to have a few very talented young women from our congregations who will come to share with us about their career in Sept, Oct & Nov. As our high schoolers are searching what they might do in the future, those heading out to college in the Fall might have […]