CrossPoint Community News 12/08/2023

by | Dec 8, 2023 | Announcement, CrossPoint Community Ministry, FrontPage-News | 0 comments

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

       One practice from giants of the faith from the past was to take a verse and wring from it all the truth from it they could. So, whole treatises could be written based on a verse seen in the context of Scripture. I’m not going to try to write a whole treatise, but I do want to use a verse from our passage this coming Sunday and highlight a spiritual truth. So I hope the following is beneficial to you, by the grace of God. 

       John 3:22 (ESV) – “After this Jesus and his disciples went into the Judean countryside, and he remained there with them and was baptizing.” Jesus had just finished a conversation with Nicodemus about the need to be born again. It was a conversation that happened under the cover of darkness, likely due to Nicodemus’ fears of what others would think if he had a private audience with Jesus. But this idea of being born again seemed to be lost on Nicodemus. He didn’t understand. And he was a religious teacher! 

       The disciples had the pleasure of following Jesus, living with him, going where he goes, listening to what he has to say, and doing what he enables them to do. This time in the wilderness was a time for them to be with an learn from Jesus. “He remained there with them.” In this way, Jesus was fulfilling for the disciples, a new people of God, what He had done for the people of Israel in the OT. Following their exodus from Israel, God led the people through the wilderness. He was with them, remaining there with them. There in the wilderness they got the chance to live with God, to go where and when he goes, to listen to what he had to say and to do what he enabled them to do. 

        Today, God remains with us through His indwelling Spirit. It’s a time for us to live with God in us, to go where God goes and when God goes, to listen to what God has to say, and to do what He enables us to do. How are you doing at recognizing the presence of God in your life? When you hear God’s leading, do you follow? Or do you ignore it? Do you take time to listen to what He has to say through His word (the Bible)? Do you go forward with your day relying on him to do what He enables you to do? May you know the Joy of living with the Lord and his remaining with you. 

    Please also participate in the Local Missions Activities in December. Bring nice clothing for Ukraine (Bring it either Dec. 15 (Fri) or Dec. 16 (Sat. Am). If you need to bring it before that, bring it to my office!). Or Collecting food for local food pantries during the holiday season (due Dec. 15); or Christmas Caroling at the Westford House on Dec. 16 (but you have to sign-up in advance – click here).  

     This Advent, we will take time to consider witnesses to Christ – a handful of people/situations that pointed to the coming Messiah. To help you reflect and anticipate Christ’s coming, I have a daily advent devotional that I can give to you – one per family. These started on Dec. 1! 

     On Dec. 19, Tuesday, all ladies are welcome to join the “Keeping It Vertical” Ladies Bible Study potluck. It begins at 12 pm and goes to 1 pm. Then join the Bible Study (from 1 to 2:30) talking about the Fruit of the Spirit. Come share the Christmas meal with us. Come as you are and bring a dish for the potluck. Don’t want to do the potluck? Come anyway! The ladies are looking forward to seeing you there! Bring a friend or two! All women are welcome! 

Finally, please continue to pray for the nations of Israel and Ukraine. Pray that the wars would end. Here is a suggested list of prayers if you are at a loss for words in how to pray: And Thank you for kneeling on behalf of the people of Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Palestine and taking a stand (or a knee in prayer) against the forces of darkness in this present age. 

This Week (Dec. 8-14, 2023):

1. Tonight, Dec. 8, 2023, the Living Stones Friday Night Bible Study is meeting from 7:30-9:30 to study “Does it really matter which truth I believe?”. You can read John 3:16-21 and John 8:31-47 to prepare. Join in person in Room A-216 or online via the following link at 7:30 pm: 
Meeting ID: 685 376 249   
Password: 840840   
Join by phone:  +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)  

2. The Living Stones Sunday School and Grace Ambassadors Sunday School are meeting this Sunday. The Grace Ambassadors will continue a discussion of “The Pilgrim’s Progress” in the Community Hall (A-202). The Living Stones will be studying an Overview of the NT in the Koinonia Room (A-216). They will use the following link for those who wish to join online:
Meeting ID: 491 248 585 
Password: 403767 
Join by phone: +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) 

3. This Sunday, Dec. 10, 2023, at 11:25 am, Pastor Nathan will be preaching. Pray for him! Join us for worship at CBCGL!

Text: John 3:22-30
Title: The Joy of John
Live stream via Youtube:

4. Each Wednesday, such as this week (Dec. 13) at 7:45 pm, you are invited, encouraged, and requested to join our weekly prayer meeting. We will not grow in Christ without growing in our dependence on God through prayer. The link is found below in the section on prayer.

Administration / Events

1. We have a missions update (so check out the missions tab from the bulletin)! You can provide support for COCM (in England), for James Liang (at UConn), or S and S who are serving in Japan with OMF.

2. Baptism Classes started in November. If you’re interested in the next baptism (which will be on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24) talk with Pastor Nathan! He is glad to lead a class covering why we baptize, what is required for baptism, what are your rights and responsibilities as someone who is baptized and more!

3. Community Grocery Gift Cards – Thank you for your support – we have met and exceeded our planned total amount. If you know people in need, please let them know that they can come to church to obtain a grocery gift card.

4. Christmas Skit Participants needed! If you are willing to help with a skit on Christmas Eve, playing a silent role, and helping to portray the life of Christ, let Minister Katherine or Pastor Nathan know by Dec. 10. We can send you a video to get an idea of what it will be like and the rehearsal for this part of the Christmas service will be Dec. 22.

5. Sunday Lunch Service is available at CBCGL with $5 lunchboxes. To place an order, please use the following link: Orders are preferred to be placed as soon as you know, but need to be placed by Saturday night so that the kitchen can prepare the correct amount of food. Note: The selection which states “Number of Meals” refers to the cooked food/lunch box/Chinese food option.

6. All other announcements can be found here (in our CrossPoint Community bulletin).

For Prayer:

1. From Bishop J.C. Ryle – “To be prayerless is to be Christless, Godless, and in the high road to destruction…It will always be found that when prayers are few, grace, strength, peace, and hope are small.” Please join our Wednesday night prayer meeting (7:45 – 9:15 pm) even if you can’t participate the whole time.
Meeting ID: 758 587 937
Password: 030086
Join by phone: +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

2. We’d be glad to pray for you. If you need prayer, you can submit your prayer request via the following link:

In Christ, your servant, SDG,
Rev. Dr. Nathan Willems
Associate Pastor of CrossPoint Community – A Ministry of CBCGL