CrossPoint Community News – July 30, 2021

by | Jul 30, 2021 | Announcement, CrossPoint Community Ministry, FrontPage-News | 0 comments

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,       

            I hope this e-mail/update finds you doing well. As I considered what to write this week, I wanted to let you know how you can be praying. Here are some prayer items related to our ministry and ministry at CBCGL. 

  1. For CrossPoint Community Ministry: 
    • Pray that plans would come together for regathering and for the Young Adult fellowship for the Fall-Winter.  
    • Pray that we would move together to serve one another and serve the community, through which we seek to serve our Lord Jesus. 
    • Pray that we would be a congregation marked by prayer – that we would make time for prayer and delight ourselves in the Lord. 
    • Pray for those in our congregation with health concerns – that they would recognize the faithful presence of God in the midst of the unknowns of illness. 
  2. For CBCGL: 
    • Pray for VBS (Aug. 9-13) – That the children will understand who God is, who they are, who Jesus is and what they must do as a result. Pray also for the celebration ceremony that parents would see the value of church. 
    • Pray for the Youth Service Week (Aug. 16-20) – That they would enjoy serving the Lord together and would be a blessing to one another and to the community. 
    • Pray for God to raise up Elders – That we would be obedient to God’s leading and willing to serve where he guides. 

This Week (August 6 – August 12, 2021):

1.     Tonight, Aug 6, 2021, we will have Friday Night Bible Study. Join us at 7:30 as we take time to sing, share and study together. You can join online!   

Meeting ID: 685 376 249    

Password: 840840    

Join by phone:  +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)    

There is also in-person Empower College Fellowship. Tonight, we will meet in the upstairs cafeteria (A-202) beginning at 7:30 pm (due to the ongoing renovation). If you are a college student or graduate, join us; or you have one at home, tell them to come. We hope to see you/them there! 


2.     CrossPoint Community Sunday School and YAs Sunday School – on August 8 – is meeting in-person / and Online at 9:45 am. 

      • The Empower Fellowship will have Sunday Sharing at 9:45 am (in-person and online)! Info is found on the Empower facebook page. 
      • The Young Adults will join Empower for Sunday Sharing as we discuss how we can know what God is calling us to do.  
      • The “Essentials of Worship” Sunday School starts this Sunday in-person (Room A-216) and online via the following link:  
        Meeting ID: 491 248 585  
        Password: 403767  
        Join by phone:+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)  

3.     This Sunday, Aug 8, Pastor Raymond Lee will be preaching. Pray for him! Join us for in person worship! 

Administration and Events:

4. CBCGL’s COVID-19 waiver form has been updated. If you haven’t completed a waiver, please do so. The former waiver can be found at 
You are required to have completed this form or the updated form and follow their guidance if you plan to participate in any in-person church activities. 

5. Meet with Angie and me in person! We are now hosting meetings in our home for participants in CrossPoint Community Ministry. To sign-up, use the following link: Meeting with the Willems

6. All other announcements can be found here (in our CrossPoint Community bulletin). 

For Prayer:

1. “He who lives without prayer lives as if there is no God.” – Charles Burgess Do you see your need of Him? Or are you trying to live this life without / apart from Him? Please join our Wednesday night prayer meeting (7:45 – 9:15 pm) even if you can’t participate the whole time.

Meeting ID: 758 587 937

Password: 030086

Join by phone: +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

Young Adults / Empower Prayer Meeting: Wednesday night @ 7:45 – 9:30 pm –

Meeting ID: 868 9398 2884

Password: 197791

2. Here is our list of prayer and service requests. The service request tab is for brothers and sisters to ask for assistance or announce any give-away items. It is an attempt from EM to reach out and take care of those in need among us. You may also enter yours via the provided link:

In Christ, your servant, SDG,

Pastor Nathan Willems, Associate Pastor of CrossPoint Community – A Ministry of CBCGL