Join our CBCGL Kids Team!

Hello friend! We Need You!
God has been so gracious to us at CBCGL and we have been able to reopen safely with a renovated children’s wing and nursery. We have areas that need you and your gifts to love, care, evangelize, teach, and disciple our children. Please take a look below to see the ways that you can help and prayerfully consider becoming a part of the CBCGL Kids Team. (Please note: Per MA law, anyone directly involved with minors will need to undergo CORI/SORI.)
Sunday School 主日學
Preschool to 5th Grade
Preschool to 5th Grade
Preschool to 5th Grade
Other Requirements & Responsibilities:
- Teachers must be members or actively attended the church for at least half a year (and plan to go through our church membership program). 教師必須是教會會員或積極參加教會至少半年(并通過我們的教會會員程序)。
- Minimum commitment for teachers is 1 year. We do 3-month (quarterly) rotations.
- Arrive early on Sundays to prep classrooms and greet each student and their family. 熱烈歡迎每個學生/家庭。
- Check in with students and parents as needed during the week via email, phone call or note. 每個星期根據需要通過電子郵件、電話或便條與學生和家長聯繫。
- Attend teacher trainings. 參加教師培訓。
- Look for opportunities to share the Gospel. 尋找機會分享福音。
Roles & Responsibilities
Sunday School Teachers 主日學教師 :
- Follow the curriculum provided. 遵循提供的課程。
- Engage with students as you teach the Bible lesson. 教聖經課時,要讓學生參與進來。
- Plan activities to extend the learning. 為活動做出決定以擴展學習。
- Decorate the classroom in a way that is fun and engaging. 以裝飾教室方式、有趣和引人參與。
Assistant Teachers or Co-Teachers 助理或助理教師:
- Assist the lead teacher by taking attendance, listening to the Bible verses and helping the teacher as needed. 協助教師出席、聆聽聖經經文並根據需要幫助教師。
- Substitute in the teacher’s absence. 老師不在時代課。
Kingdom Kids Worship 天國兒童崇拜
Worship Leader
Preschool to Kindergarten
Bible Story Leader
Preschool to Kindergarten
Other Requirements & Responsibilities:
- Leaders must be members or actively attended the church for at least half a year (and plan to go through our church membership program). 教師必須是教會會員或積極參加教會至少半年(并通過我們的教會會員程序)。
- Minimum commitment is one year. We rotate on a monthly basis (1-2 a month).
- Arrive before worship starts to greet each student and their family. 熱烈歡迎每個學生/家庭。
- Look for opportunities to share the Gospel. 尋找機會分享福音。
Roles & Responsibilities
Worship Leader 崇拜领袖:
- Prepare 3-4 children’s worship songs related to the Bible story with hand/dance motions and also lead offering time. 準備 3 到 4 首與故事相關的兒歌,並提供動作和學習奉獻時間。
- Provide a simple game if possible. 如果可能,提供一個簡單的遊戲。
Bible Story Leader 聖經故事時間:
- Review the Bible story provided by the curriculum and use creative ways to illustrate it and engage the kids. 複習課程提供的聖經故事,用創意的方式來說明。
- The main point is to review with the kids. 和孩子一起復習重點。
- Read the Bible verse for the week. 閱讀本週的聖經經文。
- Prepare a craft for the week that is related to the Bible story lesson. 準備一周的手工。
Older Kids Worship 大孩子們崇拜
Worship Leader
1st to 6th Grade
Sermon Preacher
1st to 6th Grade
Other Requirements & Responsibilities:
- Leaders must be members or actively attended the church for at least half a year (and plan to go through our church membership program). 教師必須是教會會員或積極參加教會至少半年(并通過我們的教會會員程序)。
- We rotate on a monthly basis (1-2 a month).
- Arrive at 11:15AM to set up。
- Look for opportunities to share the Gospel. 尋找機會分享福音。
Roles & Responsibilities
Worship Leader 崇拜领袖:
- Prepare 3-4 children’s worship songs related to the sermon or Bible story with or without handmotions. (Sermon topic and Scripture will be given to the worship leader ahead of time.) 带领孩子唱歌。講道主題和經文將提前提供給敬拜領袖。
- Lead the children in singing and offering time. 預先准备歌曲并帶領奉獻時間。
Sermon Preacher 講道員:
- Prepare and deliver sermon based on the Sunday School Bible lesson or other topic to the children. The sermon topic will be prepared by the children’s minister and given to the preacher ahead of time but the preacher can also choose a topic. 根據聖經課或其他主題向兒童講道。 講道主題由兒童牧師準備並提前提供給講道者,但講道者也可以選擇一個主題。
Friday Kids Fellowship 星期五團契
Small Group Leader
Preschool to 6th Grade
Assistant / Co-Leader
Preschool to 6th Grade
Other Requirements & Responsibilities:
- Leaders must be members or actively attended the church for at least half a year (and plan to go through our church membership program). 教師必須是教會會員或積極參加教會至少半年(并通過我們的教會會員程序)。
- Minimum commitment is one year. We rotate on a quarterly (3-month) or 2-month basis.
- Arrive 15 minutes beforehand to set up and greet each student and their family. 熱烈歡迎每個學生/家庭。
- Check in with students and parents as needed during the week via email, phone call, text or note. 登記孩子和家長在過去一周內有沒有需要通過電子郵件、電話或便箋與學生和家長聯繫。
- Attend teacher trainings. 參加教師培訓。
- Look for opportunities to share the Gospel. 尋找機會分享福音。
Roles & Responsibilities
Small Group Leader 小組組長:
- Follow the curriculum provided. 遵循提供的課程資料。
- Lead children in small groups in intentional discipleship. 帶領孩子們在小組裡進行有意識的門徒訓練。
- Engage with students as you teach the Bible lesson. 在教聖經課程時與孩子們有好的互動。
- Plan activities to extend the learning. 決定為擴展學習做些有趣的活動。
- Decorate the classroom in a way that is fun and engaging. 以裝飾教室的方式、有趣引人參與。
- Rotate leading large group session every month (worship and teaching).
Assistant/Co-Leader 助理人或共帶領人:
- Assist the small group leader by taking attendance, listening to the Bible story and Bible verses, and helping the leader as needed. 協助小組帶領人點出席人數,聆聽孩子們讀聖經 經文,並在需要時幫助帶領小組。
- Substitute as leader if the small group leader is absent. 老師不在時代課。
Nursery 應幼兒部
Nursery Co-worker
Newborn to Toddler
Roles & Responsibilities
- Meet in the nursery room at 9:30AM on Sundays. 每週日上午 9:30 在應幼兒室集合。
- Make sure children are checked in and parents’ contact information received. 確保孩子們登記,並收到父母的聯繫信息。
- Provide care for babies and toddlers. 照顧嬰兒。
- Read stories (esp. Bible stories), play music, play with toys. 讀故事、聽音樂、玩玩具。
- Take care of toileting and nap needs. 照顧好如廁和午睡的需要。
- Provide snack and help with craft if necessary. 如有必要,提供零食和手工藝幫助。
- Dismiss children to parents with claim ticket. 將要父母索取票, 然後將孩子解放給父母。
- Clean the rooms, sanitize and put away any toys and supplies to be used for next week. 打掃房間,消毒並收好下週要使用的所有玩具和用品。
Other Requirements and Responsibilities:
- Nursery co-workers must be members or actively attended the church for a least half a year (and plan to go through our church membership program). 應幼兒的同工必須是教會會員或積極參加教會至少半年(并通過我們的教會會員程序)。
Other 各種各樣的
Check-In/Out Operator
Door & Hall Monitor
Room Helper
Roles & Responsibilities
Check-In/Out Operator
- Arrive 15 minutes before the start of the program (either Friday or Sunday).
- Operate the welcome area (check-in & check-out) and make sure parents/guardians know how to check-in and check-out their children.
- Monitor the hallways and entrances of the children’s wing.
- Encourage people to follow the rules.
Room Helper
- Provide assistance if needed (mostly being present in the room and making sure all students are taken care of).
- Arrive 15 minutes before start of program to help greet and guide families in the right direction.