7/16/24 Root Cellar report from group 2 (Zach, Abby, Anna, Sam, Camille, Bin) Prepared by Sam and Abby
Today was our second day at Root Cellar in a Super Summer project. This morning, after the devotion, prayer and English class training, the mission team got split up to do various activities. Some had an English conversation-based class with people who didn’t know English well or almost not at all, while others in our LYF team took care of the kids whose parents were in the English class.
Some members also helped to prepare crafts for the kids at the Super Summer, who were learning about Asia and the cultures in the region. They run it with a theme of the five continents and this week’s topic is Asia when we serve here! What an amazing match given by God. After a quick lunch, Super Summer began for the day. Kids watched videos on specific Olympic sports, made Chinese lanterns, learned more about Biblical parables, and had fun in the water of a wonderful field trip with almost 80 kids. All in all, it was really fun and we could all see that the kids are also having a lot of fun. We can see how God is working in all the kids and through all the counselors. It was amazing to see that, although it may only be day two, the kids have already had a really tight bond with all the members from our mission team. As always, the beautiful and meaningful day started with a deciduous breakfast from beacon, egg to fruit that the cellar staff prepared for us since 5-6 clocks on early morning. Each of our team got boosted by the quick but not simplified lunch and varieties of big dinner plus dessert that gave us energy for Wednesday.
In the end, we would like to ask you guys to continue to pray for these children and ask God to work wonders in them. We also ask that you guys can pray for us, to give us strength and wisdom to support the younger children here.
7/16/24 Root Cellar短宣报告,第二组(Zach, Abby, Anna, Sam, Camille, Bin) 由Sam执笔,Abby协助完成
今天是我们在Root Cellar超级夏季项目的第二天。今天早上,在晨祷、祈祷和英语课培训之后,任务小组被分成了几个小组进行不同的活动。一些人参加了针对英语水平不高或几乎不会英语的人进行的英语会话课,而我们LYF团队的其他成员则照顾那些在上英语课的家长的孩子们。
一些成员还帮助为超级夏季的孩子们准备手工艺品,这些孩子们正在学习有关亚洲及该地区文化的知识。他们以五大洲为主题开展活动,本周我们服务的主题恰巧是亚洲!这是上帝给我们的奇妙安排。简短午餐后,超级夏季的一天开始了。孩子们观看了关于特定奥运项目的视频,制作了中国灯笼,学习了更多圣经寓言,并带领近80个孩子在精彩郊游中玩得很开心。总的来说,这一天非常有趣,我们都能看到孩子们也玩得很开心。我们可以看到上帝在所有孩子和所有辅导员身上工作。虽然这只是第二天,但令人惊讶的是,孩子们已经与我们CBCGL LYF的所有成员建立了非常紧密的联系。正如往常一样,这美好而有意义的一天是从Root Cellar工作人员早上五六点开始为我们准备的丰盛早餐开始的,从培根、鸡蛋到水果应有尽有。我们的每个小组成员都从这简短但不简化的午餐以及晚上多样化的Root Cellar 的工作人员用心准备的爱心💗大餐和甜点中得到了充足的能量,为周三做好了准备。