Focused on Jesus in 2020 – Mar. 10

by | Mar 10, 2020 | Youth Fellowship | 0 comments


Remembering Jesus (What we talked about Last Week)

Jesus uses parables – An earthly story with a heavenly meaning… to share about the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God belongs to those who hear God’s word, accept it and bear fruit!


Depending on our Father like Jesus did (Prayer)

Prayer meeting is tomorrow  (Wed., Mar. 11, 7:45 pm). If you can, join prayer meeting at the Church or Online (at 8:00 pm).


Talking with God (Andrew Murray 166): “Prayer opens the way for God to do His worko in and through me.”


What you can pray for:

  1. Your church – Pray for God to lead our church in Pastoral Staff transitions. Pray that we would be about the business of making disciples of Jesus Christ!
  2. Your Youth Group – for students to grow in love and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit
  3. Your Friends – for their lives to be grounded in, centered on, rooted in Christ. And pray for your non-Christian friends to know Jesus.
  4. Yourself – and your eternal (and immediate) needs, like being faithful in evangelism.


Speaking of Jesus (Outreach and Small Groups / Fellowship and Discipleship)

This Week:

  1. Friday, Mar. 13 – Mark 5 (One Week until 30 Hour Famine!)
  2. Sunday, Mar. 15 9:45 am First Sunday Prayer; 11:25 am Worship Service (Elder Cheung will preach)

    Next Week:

  3. Friday, Mar. 20 – 30 Hour Famine Begins (@ 12 pm) – Mark 6 (Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand)
  4. Saturday, Mar. 20 – 30 Hour Famine Ends (@ 6 pm)
  5. Sunday, Mar. 22 9:45 am First Sunday Prayer; 11:25 am Worship Service (Elder Lee will preach)


Our Future with Jesus (Upcoming Events):

Mar. 20-21 – 30 Hour Famine – Enough!

Mar. 22 – CBCGL’s BP Registration form Due by 5 pm

Apr. 12Easter Service (Combined); Baptism!

Apr. 25 – Passion Night (@ CBCGL)
