Journey to the Cross: A Look at Passover through the Lens of Jesus (Part 1)

by | Apr 9, 2020 | Children Ministry | 0 comments

Dear CBCGL Family,

Biblical teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, has a teaching series titled, The Path to the Cross. I found it to be greatly informative and eye-opening, especially in regards to elements in the Passover seder (meal) and, what Christians call, the Last Supper that Jesus had with His disciples before He was crucified. I will exploring certain elements (not all) of the Passover seder, how they came into play in Jesus’ last supper and what this means for us. Please join me this week as we journey to the cross together by looking at the Passover through the lens of Jesus Christ.

Disclaimer: All images were taken from the internet (sources cited) and BGM by Dappy T Keyes.

A Brief Introduction & The Four Cups (Part 1) – Tuesday, April 7, 2020

This Order of a Passover Seder comes from The Path to the Cross: Embracing Obedience and Sacrifice Discovery Guide by Ray Vander Laan, pages 208-209.

The Seder Ritual:

  1. To formally begin the meal, the host raised the first “cup of blessing,” said the prayer of blessing, and recited the first Exodus 6:6 promise: “I will bring you out…” Celebrants drank from the first cup, and the host recounted the Passover story, focusing on God’s first promise.
  2. The first hand washing occurred.
  3. Celebrants ate bitter herbs.
  4. Four questions were asked.
  5. The meaning of Passover explained.
  6. Celebrants sang or chanted the first part of the Passover song, the Hallel (Psalms 113-114).
  7. The host raised and blessed the second “cup of deliverance” and recited the second promise: “I will free you…” Celebrants drank from this cup as the host recited the Hebrews’ history from Abraham to Moses to the Sinai covenant.
  8. The second hand washing occurred.
  9. The host took a large piece of unleavened bread, the “bread of affliction,” broke it in half, and shared half with celebrants. They dipped it and relived the hardships in Egypt and talked about God’s deliverance.
  10. When the host reached the point of God’s dramatic deliverance through the final plague, celebrants feasted on lamb.
  11. The third hand washing occurred.
  12. Grace was said after the meal.
  13. The host brought out and blessed the afikomen, the remaining piece of unleavened bread, which celebrants ate as the final course. Apparently this was the bread Jesus broke to symbolize His body, which soon would be offered for all humanity.
  14. The host raised the third “cup of redemption,” gave the blessing, and recited God’s third promise: “I will redeem you…” Celebrants drank from this cup. This cup became the sacramental cup of the Lord’s Supper, representing Jesus’ blood shed for the forgiveness of sins.
  15. Celebrants sang or chanted the Second Hallel (Psalms 115-118).
  16. The host raised the fourth cup, the “cup of protection,” said the blessing, and recited God’s fourth promise: “I will take you…” Celebrants drank from this cup, a symbol of God bringing Israel to Himself and providing protection over His beloved. Jesus did not drink from this cup during the Last Supper.
  17. To end the seder, celebrants sang a hymn.